Military Sign-Up In order for our members to write you we like for them to know a little about who they are writing so we ask that each military man or woman who signs up furnish us with the following information to be put into our database: Ø Name, Rank, Address and email address Ø Brief bio about yourself such as where you from, school activities, branch service, how long been in, future plans with military, likes, dislikes, birth date, any allergies to any foods? Ø Let OSS know of any address change you have in the future Ø Let OSS know if you feel harassed in any way by our members Ø Let others troops know about OSS We will get your name out and believe me we are very secure with your information, it is not posted on the internet for others to see. We believe that you have a right to privacy and we honor the right to protect that. Thanks for signing up with us and we will get your name out to a member or two very soon. Sign up below this offer to Military men & women:
Active Duty G I Bill Information |